Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Real Love?

Love , a word so broad the Greeks had four to explain the different kinds. Storge (Family affection), Eros (Romance), Philia (Friendship) and Agape (Unconditional Love). Agape is perhaps the most appealing.

Easter to Christians is a reminder of the day Jesus rose again after being crucified on the cross.

Cliche? Perhaps to some. Even more when most don't understand the need for such to happen(Jesus dying and coming back to life, well confusions mostly at the dying part). Thus allow me to explain.

Imagine a murderer on death row awaiting his fate. The prison guard walks up to the cell and stuffs the key into the lock and turns it. The criminal worried now, though he wasn't before. He thought to himself "well, all these years I've been telling myself life doesn't matter to me........guess I was wrong". He stands up.

The guards eyes stares at him piercingly as the door opens. To the amazement of the convict, the guard says:

"Your free to go, someone else decided to take place......your father", the guard explains with some anger.

Lets face it, in our lifetime we've done and thought of a lot of horrible, unnatural and utterly disgusting things. The passing mark for God can only be perfection and we've failed miserably. Thus, God to show us how much he loves us( agape), takes the punishment of our failures on the cross. That practically makes us the convict and Him the father in the analogy.

This so that we could start again, to make us new. This time with His help, hence failing woudn't be an issue. The beauty of the story is Easter, Jesus rose again (No tragedy there).
Not long after that,went up into heaven (but thats a story for another day)

Watch as He made all things new!!

1 comment:

Jo-Ann said...