Saturday, January 30, 2010

I guess I see it

Check list:

Almost crash into neighbors car.......check
Got stop by police road block for suspicion(prolly cos i showed a distressed face)...........check
Soaked in rain while trying to get to my car, coming back from college........check
Lecturer angry before coming to class......check
Coming for two futsal events really late consecutively......check

I guess I see how God guides me in the little things that happens in my life cause this could have turned out to be a really bad day.

The facts are:
1)I didn't crash into my neighbors car although I was really distracted trying to check my other neighbor out( my friend likes her and I've never seen her before)....really my own stupidity,

2)the police stop could have been worse but the guy was really nice.

3)Oh well its rains.

4)My lecturer (I admire this guy btw) was fine when I walked into class and I had a swell class as usual...happens in art appreciation class

5) I had fun with my friends playing futsal anyway.

As an art lover, I learned how to notice and appreciate the small details in each piece.
As a Christian, I guess I'm learning how to appreciate the details that God doesn't neglect in my life....and in that I learn how to love Him more.
It brings new meaning to the old sermon cliche: Even the hair on your head is numbered.


Riz said...

You have a hot neighbour??? Need a ride anytime soon dude :D???

the.lil.princess. said...

YEHHH ! I KNEW IT !ITS YOU AARON CHOI :) hahahah, liar! you said you dont have a blog ;(